N2N (Neighbor2Neighbor) offers a spirit of radical hospitality; generously welcoming all persons with compassionate service and accountability. Neighbor2Neighbor is about relationships. When many helping agencies say “client,” we say “neighbor.” Hungry neighbors come each day to Neighbor2Neighbor looking for nutritious meals and a place where they feel safe, welcome, and respected.
OUR MISSION: To provide an oasis of support and encouragement to the homeless and near-homeless to help them achieve return to independence, confidence and a healthy sense of self-worth and a better future.

Greg Parr
August 2017
Executive Director
My God-given PASSION is serving people with substance abuse problems, and helping prevent youth from getting hooked on alcohol and drugs.
Since leaving the life of substance abuse myself 26 years ago (Oct 1994), I have spent my life serving those with similar problems in Kansas City, MO, first in the Westport area of central Kansas City, MO, where I had once panhandled for many years to feed my own addictions. (I was arrested 97 times for various charges.)
I served 12 years as Director of Substance Abuse Recovery (“Heart to Heart”) at Grace United Community Ministries (GUCM) and am now Executive Director of the Neighbor2Neighbor Program. I continue to serve the homeless and families living with substance abuse in the underserved area of Kansas City, MO.
In 26 years, I have personally assisted over 2,700 users into detox and treatment, finding beds for them -- no easy task these days, given the closings in KCMO!! -- sometimes driving them to treatment centers 50 miles away. Afterwards, I help them stay in recovery!

John Sullivan
April 2014
N2N Board Chairperson
I worked for Lockton Companies for 30 years and am now retired. While at Lockton, I was able to work at n2n on Fridays (business casual) and Saturdays. During that time, I was able to see how lives were touched by a greeting, calling by name or hugging. "Those people" as those we serve are called, are no different than me - we are brothers and sisters in Christ. Jesus said "feed my sheep" which we do. To us that charge also means to feed the heart, the soul, the mind and the spirit. By so doing, we become more than a food provider - we become a welcome, safe place. When we are told "thank you for being here - I don't what I would do if you weren't", that is payment in full for our Ministry.
Currently, too many agencies dealing with the clients we deal with are transactional in nature. Our preference and our goal is to be interactive, to know the people we serve and to provide an environment of welcome, caring, understanding and love. Using a guest's name when interacting with them creates a sense of belonging. It may be radical, but that is what we do. We publish a newsletter most quarters. The current one is on our website. If you would like copies of earlier issues, please e mail me at johnsn2n@gmail.com.
Thanks and God Bless
We don’t enable negative behavior – we don’t allow it on our premises. Touching lives and helping effect changes where we can is a fulfilling experience. It is and always has been our mission.

Lloyd Warren
June, 2024
Lloyd had been a frequent visitor at n2n for a year or two before joining the staff of n2n. While a guest, Lloyd was always willing to help with whatever needed to be done. When the need arose for us to replace our cook, we offered the position to Lloyd and he accepted. In addition to planning, preparing and serving meals, Lloyd serves as a back up to Greg Parr for opening and closing. We are glad Lloyd is part of n2n! Below, in his words, is his bio:
"So thankful! First of all, thank God, Neighbor 2 Neighbor and their team and everyone. Now about myself - hard worker, understanding and fair with a caring heart."

Reverend Dr. Carlotta Boles
Case Manager
Dr. Boles came to Neighbor 2 Neighbor when our previous case manager left. She had known Greg Parr, so knew what we do and for whom. Having Dr. Boles with us is a blessing for n2n and for the guests she helps each day. We are blessed to have her as a part of n2n.
"I am Pastor Dr. Carlotta Boles born and raised in Kansas City, Missouri. My doctorates are in Faith Based Counseling and Philosophy. I became ordained in 2006. I love working with people and have been doing so for over 25 years. My hobbies are writing music and singing. I have been married to a lovely man for 30 years. I thank God for my blessings."

Keisha Rowland
January, 2019
Meal Supervisor
Ms. Keisha serves as our meal supervisor, ensuring our guests have coffee, sugar, creamer, sack lunches and anything else they may need. Her passion and dedication to n2n is evident each and every day. We are blessed to have her with us. Following is her bio in her own words:
"I came to Neighbor 2 Neighbor about 5 years ago. Just visiting and getting a sack lunch. Then I became a volunteer."
We are glad Ms. Keisha is with us and that we are blessed by her dedication!