
"Greg told me about a drug treatment program called C.O.P.S. (Counselors Out Preventing Substance Abuse).
I entered it and was successful in
overcoming my addictive behavior."
- Bruce

"Sometimes you just need a place where you can get a hand up."
- Rick M
Who We Are
N2N offers a spirit of radical hospitality, generously welcoming all persons with compassionate service and accountability.
Neighbor2Neighbor is about relationships. When many helping agencies say “client,” we say “neighbor.” Hungry neighbors come each day to Neighbor2Neighbor looking for nutritious meals and a place where they feel safe, welcome, and respected.

But more than just food, we are there to help them overcome their obstacles to living a more fulfilling life. Our drug treatment specialists are trained to personally engage with each neighbor who is looking for a way out of their habit cycle. We will find the right path for them - and follow them throughout the process.
N2N Making A Difference